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5 Reasons Why 600K+ Parents
Switched to First Day

(#4 may come as a surprise)

"I didn’t think there would be anything noticeably different, but there is! This has been a game changer for our 5 year old son."
# 1
Healthier, happier kids

(the way it should be)

Do your kids have trouble sleeping, focusing, or behaving?
They may be suffering from something completely invisible to the human eye. UNICEF calls it hidden hunger.
Why? because it’s less about the quantity of food and more about the quality of your kid's diet. And let’s be real. As parents, we can’t expect to give our kids a reliable source of nutrients through meals EVERY single day.
That’s why we teamed up with Harvard and Yale experts to make First Day. One of the most natural and most absorbable vitamins for kids to actually get benefits.
“Chaos was my house on the daily. My 6 year old daughter and I were constantly bickering, between the not listening, the whining, the frustration it caused. I saw an ad on Facebook one day.. I purchased these about 3 weeks ago and WOW is all I can say!!!! These vitamins have been a true lifesaver for me and her and I can't thank you guys enough for putting this out there"
Kristi Lewis
# 2
"It's SO easy"

(kids practically beg for it)

Picture this: your kids reminding YOU to eat their “veggies”. Yup. That’s right. Say bye to mealtime battles (and the constant mom guilt that comes with it).
12 organic fruits & veggies checked off. All in just a few seconds. Oh. And...
WITHOUT cooking vegetables
WITHOUT shopping at the grocery store
WITHOUT giving yourself a pounding headache struggling to force feed your kids veggies
# 3
Kids deserve better

(better science, not snake oil)

Get this. Many over‒the‒counter multis for kids use outdated science. And not just by a few years. We're talking as old as 50‒year‒old science.
Next time you're at the store, help yourself to the vitamin aisle and look at the nutrition labels. You’ll notice a pattern.
An absurd amounts of sugar
Unecessary artificial fillers
A laundry list of ingredients to sell you on believing “more is better”
Families need good health more than ever. Real science. The best ingredients. And great taste. Years of scientific research, innovation, and design. Areas that other companies take shortcuts in but not us.
“My daughter started these vitamins four weeks ago..and OMG it is a lifesaver. She is a very picky eater no veggies and very little fruits. But she loves the vitamins. She was very cranky all the time and now she is doing so much better in school and sweet as can be. She also suffers from severe eczema and since starting these vitamins her skin has cleared up she sleeps all night and a joy in the morning.. 💯 percent recommend this product."
Carolina F.
# 4
It's NOT cheap.

(yet you'll save HUNDREDS of $$$)

Let’s get one thing straight. While we have family‒friendly and subscription discounting, First Day isn’t cheap compared to other vitamins.
In fact, parents pick First Day BECAUSE it’s not the cheapest option (why would we want to give your kids cheap ingredients?).
Instead, here's what you get: 1+ million dollars of research. Distilled into a gummy vitamin that has everything your kids need.
One where a single serving has:
MORE Vitamin D than 200 mushrooms
MORE folate than 1-½ cups of spinach
MORE Vitamin B1 than 5 cups of broccoli.
# 5
It's practically risk‒free

(so you have nothing to lose)

If you’re like most parents, you’re probably sick and tired of everything having to be a fight with your kids.
So here’s the deal.
We're confident this is the best vitamin you'll ever give to your kids. But hey, we understand you may be skeptical. So give it a try...worry‒free!
Have your kids try a gummy (sneak a taste for yourself too). If you're still not happy, just send it back. There’s a 45‒day satisfaction guarantee, and we’ll take care of you :)
"Unwrapping the vitamin gummies was a blast. I brought them forth to my children and together we opened the bags and filled the reusable containers. Their first reaction to the first bite? >🤩🥳 It has been about a week and a half since we started taking them and every morning they say "it's gummy time!!" Both very eager to take them. They absolutely love them."
Manuel Guerrero‒Montiel
Claim Your Offer Today
First Day has become the #1 multivitamin for so many parents. And it could be the perfect fit for you.
But here's the thing:
We source the best possible ingredients on purpose. But due to global shortage, if we run out of methylfolate, we won’t be able to ship our products because we don’t want to put just any ingredient into our product.
We’ve already sold out 6 times so make sure to use this opportunity now.
Order today to guarantee your bottles from our warehouse. Remember: You can always get a full refund if you don't like it.
Don't postpone your child's future.
45‒Day Satisfaction Guarantee
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.